Snewzer uses RSS Feeds to fetch "top news" stories from selected news outlets.
CNN stopped updating their feeds a while back for reasons unknown.
If they start updating their feeds again, we'll add the them back.
If you want us to add a new feed, reach out via our Contact Form and we'll look into it.
While RSS feeds are generally publicly available, not all news media outlets provide access for free.
The New York Times, for example, requires a paid subscription (with them, not us) to view their content.
Snewzer can send you to a paid site's articles, but you'll see a paywall until you get a subscription.
When there is no app installed, Snewzer will open articles in a browser. When an app for a given news feed is installed, Snewzer will attempt to open the article in the app, falling back to a browser if the app can't be opened.
If you have an app installed, but prefer that Snewzer open articks in a browser, you can enable "Always Open Articles in Browser" on the "Settings" tab.
Apps usually support dark and light mode (NPR does not on iOS) and may include other features to improve your experience.
The Google News app is the exception here, as it won't open to a specific article, or at least we haven't figured out how to do that yet. For this reason, Google News articles will always open in a browser.
Safari for iOS has a built-in Reader Mode that removes clutter and distractions from the page and presents content in a nice, easy-to-read, and customizable format.
We like Reader Mode and use it a lot. If you do too, you can tell Snewzer to "Always Open Articles in Browser" on the "Settings" tab.
We have yet to figure out how to enable Reader Mode on Android, so you may experience undesired white backgrounds when you're in dark mode.
Most sites will pester you to install or open their app when viewed in the browser. Reader Mode will hide this sometimes, but we can't control this.
Some folks enjoy reading the comments on reddit. If this is not you, turn on "Always Open Articles in Browser" and "Bypass reddit" under the Settings tab. This will take you straight to the new article.
Every news outlet has their own sections: Arts, Politics, Sports, etc.
Snewzer only fetches articles from "top news" RSS feeds.
We figure that if you'e gonna delve into a section you prolly don't want things snoozed.
Google News is not a news provider in and of itself. It's a news aggregator that collects news from multiple news outlets, and presents it in a single feed with different views and some added features.
You can tell Google News to stop showing articles from a particular news source. And you can also tell it: "More like this," and "Less like this," but you can't tell it to snooze stuff like you can with Snewzer.
Even with these features, they still somehow manage to populate your news feed with stuff that seems totally random. If you use Google News, you probably know what we're talking about.
When you add keywords to Snewzer, articles will be snoozed based on the "Keyword Snooze Scope" setting found on the "Keywords" Tab.
Three are three options for "Keyword Snooze Scope":
Keyword snoozing is case-insensitive, so "PiCkLe" will snooze any variation of capitalization: "Pickle," "pickle," "PICKLE," etc.
Keywords will snooze articles based on whole words. For example, "pick" will not snooze articles entitled "The Curious Case of Mrs. Pickle," but it will snooze "How to Pick the Perfect Pickle."
If a keyword entry is a phrase (i.e. more than one word), it will only snooze articles containing the entire phrase. For example, the keyword phrase, "pickle love," will not snooze an article entitled, "Why I Love Mrs. Pickle," but will snooze "Pickle Love is Love Too!"